Smokey Night – Whisky tasting with Richard

Event Date:

October 4, 2024

Event Time:

6:30 pm

Event Location:

Andersons at No.8

Our host for this evening Richard will guide you through some delicious Smokey drams.

We are currently experiencing issues with our website’s booking system. Please call or message the shop directly between 10 am and 6 pm to reserve your seat.

About me – I’ve been a fan of whisky for about 12 years. I started drinking when lived abroad in Slovakia and they are into their strong alcohol. Unfortunately, over there their local spirits were just not to my liking but it was rude not to have something with friends, so I turned to whisky, started reading up about it and introducing others to it. I hosted a huge whisky-tasting party once a year for friends, colleagues and clients and promoted and introduced as many people to different whiskies to as many people in Slovakia as I could whenever I could purely out of love and enjoyment. I did this without any payment. Purely for the love of the craft. I prefer single-malt Scotch but am open to new experiences from varied places. Island whiskies are typically smoky and strong and I introduced a fair number of people to that variety while abroad. It wasn’t for everyone but many people I introduced to it now consider it to be their absolute favourites.  Richard.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Strictly no person under 18 years
  2. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone intoxicated
  3. cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours prior to the event
Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.

Event Location:

Total Seats: 16 (13 Left:)
  • Andersons at No.8
  • 8-10 Gallowhill Road
  • Fraserburgh
  • Aberdeenshire
  • AB43 9JS
  • United Kingdom

Event Schedule Details

  • October 4, 2024 6:30 pm   -   8:00 pm
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